I have received some
more feedback on my animatic. It has given me some interesting ideas to think
about. Here are some of the suggested improvements and what I plan to do about
Lines – Does he need to say “She’s reading Lord Of
The Rings, like me!”…This can be done through visuals. Trust that the audience
will get it.
is a good point, am I making it too obvious? I am definitely guilty of assuming
the audience won’t pick up on things. I like this line as the tone of voice shows just how eager and excited Jacob's character is. I will leave it in the animatic but bear in mind
whilst editing. It is convenient, as I don’t have to worry about dialogue too
much whilst filming, as it is all non-diegetic.
the fourth wall – Perhaps Jacob could
address the camera at the start
Having Jacob look at the
camera as an aside is a good idea and fits with the comedy conventions, however
I am not sure I like it. This technique is really hard to get right, most times
I have seen it in practice I have hated it . However that is not to
say it can never be effective. I am not convinced of it. It might
just cheapen my film (which I definitely don’t want.). I will film it and
decide whether to include it in the film during editing.
An example of this technique at 0:12
This is another draw back of
the animatic: you can’t easily show too much of the action in one shot. The point is that he is removing the first
sign saying ‘I need it for a taxi’ revealing the Twix sign underneath. I feel
this is an important process to show as it helps with the continuity of the scene.
With out I fear it may look disjointed. However, I will film it both ways as I
won’t really know what looks best until I see it.
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