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Monday 24 September 2012

Audience Research - Focus Group

As well as my questionnaires I have conducted a focus group with five members of my target audience. Here is the recording, they were a bit giggly.

What did I ask them?
What book could the women be reading?
Answers I got

  • Something classical/romantic - Atonement, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility - I like this idea but I'm not sure what a mans response would be to this. It fits with the genre but in terms of the narrative it doesn't quite make sense. 
  • Something philosophical - This would make the woman intriguing yes but what is a philosophical book? It also needs to be recognised by the audience so a quite famous book would be needed. 
  • Something the man would be interested in - A Batman comic - This is a really good idea, maybe not a batman comic as this seem childish and represents her as so (which I don't want). But, a book that appeals to the man would make him assume they would be a perfect match. 
  • The same book that he is reading - This is even better than the last idea. This will help the audience understand where the main character is coming from when he is thinking about her. It suggests that they actually are similar and a perfect match. 
  • Sherlock Holmes, The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings - These are good ideas for the book, I think I will go with Lord Of The Rings as it is an absolute classic that the audience should definitely recognise.
I have chosen to go with Lord Of The Rings as it will appeal to the male character, I will also have him reading the same book for the reasons listed above. 

Does he need a motive for being in the coffee?
Answers I got

  • It's part of his daily routine - This is a good reason for him being there. It is a believable and relatable situation. 
  • He always see's her there and today has plucked up the courage to talk to her - As the other members of my focus group pointed out this makes the character appear as a bit of a stalker. But this still isn't an unreasonable concept. 
I like the idea that it is part of his routine but today something has disrupted this causing him to daydream. However it does make the main character come across as impulsive but on the other hand in the other scenario surely he would already of thought about asking her on a date, prompting this fantastic relationship. For this reason his visit will be part of his daily routine. 

Do you have any ideas of romantic situations I could feature?
Answers I got

  • Running through corn fields into each others arms - This is a really good idea that I had completely overlooked. I would love to include it but the only problem (and it's quite a big one) is the time of year. All of the crops have already been harvested. 
  • Lady and the Tramp-esqe spaghetti eating - I like this and will definitely use it in the dinner date scene I was already planning. 
  • Running in the rain - This is also a good one, getting caught in the rain is often featured in romantic films and would be a perfect scenario. I would need to think of a twist though. Also if it doesn't rain when I have access to my actors I can't do it. 
  • Watching a movie but him being really scared - I had already thought about this. Hearing it from my focus group is fantastic and makes me think I should definitely include it. 
  • A falling leaf landing on their hands - Although romantic this would be incredibly hard to create. Leaves don't fall straight, the camera angles would be hard to perfect and the shots would be difficult to co-ordinate. For these reasons I will leave out this scenario. 
  • Giving her flowers - A simple, sweet romantic gesture I will work it into another scenario to impact upon the parody aspect. 
I have been looking for more ideas and these are some really good concepts for scenes. I will include numbers 2, 4, 6 and hopefully 3. 

What should the second male character do when he reaches to woman?
Answers I got

  • The other guy could have the same book as well - This was a really funny idea and fits the comedy I am trying to create. The other members of the focus group also found it funny which makes me think it would be a good thing to include (seeing as my target audience likes it). It could come across as too cheesy though, I haven't decided. 
  • He could just go and sit with her - This was what I was thinking initially but I don't think it sends a clear enough message to the audience, they might be confused as to what has happened. 
  • The waiter could bring her something that he bought for her - I'm note sure on this. Coffee shops don't tend to have waiters. The kind that dose have waiters isn't the kind of coffee shop these characters would go to. 
I will need to think more about this one, maybe I will ask some more people what they think. 

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