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Saturday 13 October 2012

Animatic peer assessment

Two other students in my Media Studies class sat down and watched through my animatic. They gave me some feedback and some targets I could consider to improve my film.
They commented of seven key areas:

  • Cinematography
  • Appropriate pace and content
  • Character representation 
  • Targeting the audience
  • Dialogue
  • Music/sound effects
  • Editing

+ Panning is frequently used, this is effective
+ Shots are typical of a romantic film

- Add more high and low angles - This is a fair comment, I haven't included many high or low angles shots. However I think there is a difference between using this type of shot for effect and using them for the sake of it. I may include some to keep the film interesting for the viewer.

Appropriate pace and content
+The music and the editing link together very well
+ The cards when he is asking for money are very effective
+ The pace is a good speed, the slower pace adds to the humour

None given

Character representations
+ Both reading books to signify they are intelligent and interested in similar things

- The only problem is I thought the girls was a man, however this will be clearer - It can be hard to convey things in an animatic due to questionable drawing skills. I can assure you she isn't a man an this will be clearer in the film.
- More shots of the girls reaction at the end - This is a good idea I hadn't considered. Maybe she could look at the main character when she is talking to the second man and as "Can I help you?" in an annoyed manner. He could then stutter before he swiftly leaves. However this adds a rather sad tone to the end of the film which I was trying to avoid.

Targeting the audience
+ The Lord of the Rings book, dialogue and the characters would attract the target audience
+ I think it uses the right conventions

None given

+ Minimal so it makes the audience focus on the action

- Add more dialogue maybe at the cinema scene - I agree that dialogue here may be useful in helping the audience understand his feelings and how scared he is. But equally I think this may come down to the animatic again. In the real film it will be very apparent from the actors actions and demeanour how he feels.
- Maybe a little cheeky at some points but I guess that is the genre - Even though put as a target I take this as a positive! I like how the main character comes across as a little cheeky. The point is that no one would say these things out loud but are thoughts that are realistic.

Music/Sound effects
+The change of music indicates the change of mood

- A little repetitive - I completely agree. However time constraints and talent constraints on my part limited what I was able to produce for the animatic. The final music for the short film will be along the same lines but more intricate.
- Could be limited instead of having different sorts of music as it may appear disjointed. - Again I agree. I will aim for the music to flow more naturally.

+ Editing is not fast paced but medium to allow the target audience to understand what is happening. 

- Vary the length of shots to add some variety. - I both agree and disagree with this comment. The shot lengths are varied. I have one scene that is one continuous shot and currently lasts around 10 seconds. In contrast I have the quick cuts at the start. But I can understand during some of the longer scenes this may be an area for me to consider.

I found this exercise really helpful. Not only has it given me some ideas to think about in how to improve my film it has given a me a boost of confidence about this project.

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