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Saturday 20 October 2012

Film poster choice

I had my three rough ideas for my film poster but didn't know which to choose. I asked twenty members of my target audience which of the three they preferred.


The second poster was the most popular by far. I agree with my target audience thus this is the chosen design I will make. Here is a rough design of what the finished poster will look like:

This poster follows conventions of existing romantic comedy film posters such as:
- the main character is featured
- the background is white
- the colour red (which holds connotations of romance) is featured somewhere on the poster

Conventions I have not adhered to:
- the love interest is featured (often back to back with the main character)

I don't need to conform to romantic comedy conventions too much as my short film is a parody of the genre.

I have followed the main conventions identified within film posters in general. For example the features and layout.
- The title is the largest text on the page
- The main actors names are featured (usually either on the top or bottom of a poster)
- A quote from a reviewer
- The billing block at the bottom and in the centre of the page
- A tagline underneath the title
- A release date to tell the audience when they can expect to be able to see the film

There are still a couple of points for me to consider:

Font - All the fonts on my current design are the same. I need to do some research and try out which fonts I       should use. This will be easier to do when I have made a design on the computer as I can easily interchange fonts to see how they look.
Tagline - I'm not sure this will be the final tagline. I think it needs to be funnier as not much of the poster hint's towards the parody aspect of my short film.
Director - Do I wan't my name on the poster? From my analysis of existing posters I have learnt that not all posters have the directors name on them. So I need to decide this and think about where on the poster I would put it.

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